Me + college = :(

Today has made me really rather angry. Apparently, I’m not ill enough to warrant taking a day off college, even when I’m stuck in bed with a splitting headache and feeling like my whole body is about to either explode or just die. It doesn’t matter that I’m up to date with homework and assignments and I’m not behind in my abilities, nor does it matter that I understand the work, apparently. No, apparently, it is SUCH a hardship for my teacher when I’m off college. It must cause him so much physical pain, so much emotional torment, when he walks into the classroom and sees my vacant seat as a dismal reminder of the fact that, gasp, shock and horror of all horrors, PEOPLE GET ILL.

Why do some teachers find this so hard to understand? PEOPLE GET ILL. And it isn’t just college that is the problem – they don’t realize, because they drive in, in their nice, warm, comfortable car where it’s not overcrowded or noisy, and if they feel ill, they can drive home. They forget that some of us have to get up at ridiculous o’clock, feeling like death warmed up, get on a cold, noisy bus that is full of not just fellow students, but also rowdy school students, elderly people who do nothing but complain about the rowdy school students, and the general public, who sit there looking quite uncomfortable at it all. That isn’t exactly the best thing to help a headache, is it? And neither is sitting through a ridiculously boring lecture, which lasts an hour and a half when I’m sure it could be condensed into an hour, because all we learn is the same thing, over and over again, the same way, until we all just want to forget about it and go home.

Maybe, if we all had easy lives at home and great health, we’d all be in 100% of the time. But people DON’T have easy lives at home, and they DON’T have great health. It’s not my fault that I’m ill, nor is it my fault that my doctor has seemingly no interest in helping me (or anyone else, for that matter, if what others say is true), and it’s not my fault that I don’t have a perfectly conventional family, and I think some teachers really need to get that into their heads before they start shooting their mouths of.

Jesus. And THEY’RE meant to be the intelligent ones?

Writing when ill…

Normally, when I’m ill, I get my best writing done. I mean, when you’re stuck in bed all day with a bad cold, or coughing your lungs up, there’s not really much more you can do than watch television, grab the old laptop and amuse yourself by writing. Today, however, I’m off college because I’m ill – but this isn’t the sort of illness where you can actually make use of the fact that you feel like crap by churning out a couple of thousand words in between eating copious amounts of chicken soup and watching Jeremy Kyle/other equally amusing-yet-horrifying “let’s deal with your relationship problems live on air” TV shows – or am I the only one who does that when I have a cold?

Nope, today I’ve encountered the horrible problem of BRAIN FOG. *horror chords*. Yep, as well as the fatigue, joint pains, muscle pains, headache and sore throat, my head feels like it’s been stuck in a blender and I could very well pass for a zombie out of Shaun Of The Dead (or one of the Romero “_____ of the Dead” movies if you’ve never seen the brilliant Simon Pegg parody) this morning, and I’m FED UP! I want to write, because I know what I want to write – but thanks to this brain fog, I don’t think the messages will actually reach my hands before my hands have gone “I can’t be bothered waiting for these words, let’s play on Bejewelled Blitz/stalk people on Facebook instead”.

I can’t even write my coursework! I’d actually like to get my coursework done and dusted, but it’s proving impossible because I’m looking at these words I’ve written down in my plan (it’s a comparison of the presentation of the theme of marriage in Much Ado About Nothing, and Cat On A Hot Tin Roof) and I don’t think I even remember writing them. Plus my teacher has made notes that are nearly impossible to decipher when my head’s like this. Even as I’m writing this, it’s going slowly and I can feel my fingers edging nearer and nearer to the mousepad to click on the tab with Facebook on it. Must – resist – must – keep – writing – curses, foiled again. Oh well. Facebook it is!