Psychology is OVER!

At last! No more sitting up until the early hours trying to remember studies and what they support or contradict and why. No more trying to remember if Joseph conducted twin studies with regards to schizophrenia or depression. NO MORE MILGRAM.

Psychology is over! Done my exam today and I’m fairly happy with how it went, started to struggle with pain at the end but I’m hoping it won’t have a massive effect on the overall performance and grade. I really am so happy, because I was so scared it’d be a horrible exam paper but the questions were great and I feel like I had enough time to give it my best shot 🙂 so, once English is over on Wednesday, normal service shall resume and I’ll try and blog as often as possible. I’ll also try to write a bit more too!

Why do exams even exist?

Beware me today, for I am full of teenage angst (which really isn’t as fun as Wizard angst, props if you get the reference). Revision is slowly divorcing my soul from my body and I am trying to keep thinking about that wonderful moment a week tomorrow when my exams will be over… and then I will have the wait for results.


Revision is so hard.

Why is revision so hard?

It’s like, all the stuff you hated learning the first time comes back to haunt you, just because it can.

My next exam is eleven days away. I NEED TO REVISE.

I can’t revise. I give up. I can’t do it. It’s too hard!

No! I must continue revising!…. BUT IT’S SO DIFFICULT!

Alright, alright. We have come to the end of this gif story on revision, and after arguing with myself and trying to convince myself to revise (or, alternatively, not to revise), I have overcome the mental block, and I am going to rise up, with pen and paper in hand. I shall force my brain to concentrate, I shall work tirelessly, and this next gif sums up nicely what all that means.

I’m going to put the pen and paper down, grab my Pooh Bear and go back to bed.

Remember Me?

Sorry I’ve neglected this blog so much recently. I knew exams were going to be mad but I had no idea how much. College has been an epic fail thanks to this illness so I’ve been revising like mad to make sure I have a chance of getting into uni! Add that with trying to have a social life, and yeah – it’s been crazy, and I think I’m starting to burn out. All this revision is catching up with me, I’ve ended up with one hell of a cold which, combined with having awful pains in my back every time I sneeze,  isn’t fantastic. Really hoping things will get sorted soon, or that if they don’t I can maybe apply for special consideration because of how ill I’ve been.

On a brighter note, it’s sunny outside! Yeah, I’m inside revising but I’ve got a t shirt and shorts on and it’s lovely and warm and bright outside, which cheers me up a bit and makes revision a bit more bearable. I just hope that by the time my exams are over we’ll still have such nice weather, so that I can actually enjoy it – especially on holiday for my birthday in July!

I think the wait until August is going to be a really nervewracking one – before I was so confident for my exams, but now I’m terrified because although I know I am prepared because of the amount of revision I’m doing, I still feel somehow like I should be doing more (not sure what else I can do, really, other than go to college, which doesn’t really feel like an option the way I feel at the minute!). So expect either no posts at all as I spend all day, every day rocking backwards and forwards in a gibbering heap because I’m so nervous, or lots of frightened “ohmygosh I’m gonna fail” posts. Normal service will be resumed in September.