Still Plodding Along!

A quick writing update in the midst of all this university stuff; I’m still working on my project with regards to the Tales Of The Terra Firma Fleet series (by Christopher Maine, available now on Amazon!) and still hoping to have a completed first draft by the end of June. This should be possible; I’m hoping to do Camp NaNoWriMo in April, which should get me to the end of the draft, and then I finish uni for the summer at the end of May, which gives me enough time to edit if I can get it done. I have a CreateSpace offer that expires at the end of June so that’s my big deadline, and to be honest, it shouldn’t be too difficult – I’ll have been working on it for about nine months by that point, and considering the speed at which I write, it should be possible.

New novel!

The third and final novel in Christopher Maine’s “Dragon Flight” trilogy, part of his “Tales From The Terra Firma Fleet” series, was released on the 18th November and is now available on Amazon for Kindles and devices with the Kindle Reading App (you can get it for Android, iOS, Windows phones and others so there’s no excuse for not having it!) .

Civil war has ripped through the galaxy, and with each passing day, more and more systems are attacked. The Marauders keep pushing towards the core worlds, and the Fleet remnants struggle to remain ahead of the chaos as each new day brings fresh pain to the already weary crew.

The wounds run deep and blood has been spilled. The shadow of loss hangs over the Fleet, the seeds of anger, hate and vengeance growing in the darkness. Now all that remains is revenge.

The pieces shift across the chessboard, and both sides race headlong towards ENDGAME.


Go forth and purchase, good readers!