Some progress on the literary front!

Funnily enough, the time when I start getting busy – that is, Freshers’ week and being at uni in general – is the time when I start writing and reading again (as you may have guessed from my reviews). The writing is taking a while to start up again because I keep getting an idea, starting it and scrapping it, but I think I need to re-visit and continue older stories before I try and write new ones – I have so many that are un-finished and it’s really bugging me!

I’m also enjoying reading a lot more. I think that after the rowdiness of freshers week, reading is something quiet and pretty much free once you’ve bought the books. Currently lined up for me to finish/read are “Where She Went” (the sequel to “If I Stay”, which is proving a little harder to get into because it isn’t really as good as the first so far), “Before I Fall” by Lauren Oliver, which I think is in the same genre as “If I Stay”, and “Marley and Me” by John Grogan. I’ve wanted the book for ages because I loved the film so much, but couldn’t quite bring myself to buy it before now because I know it’ll require an evening where I’m left on my own, because I’ll end up crying at the end.

So that’s a little update on the literary front from me, I’m going to really try and get back into the hang of writing because I enjoy it and miss it, but it’s all dependent on how busy I get with uni.


Revision is so hard.

Why is revision so hard?

It’s like, all the stuff you hated learning the first time comes back to haunt you, just because it can.

My next exam is eleven days away. I NEED TO REVISE.

I can’t revise. I give up. I can’t do it. It’s too hard!

No! I must continue revising!…. BUT IT’S SO DIFFICULT!

Alright, alright. We have come to the end of this gif story on revision, and after arguing with myself and trying to convince myself to revise (or, alternatively, not to revise), I have overcome the mental block, and I am going to rise up, with pen and paper in hand. I shall force my brain to concentrate, I shall work tirelessly, and this next gif sums up nicely what all that means.

I’m going to put the pen and paper down, grab my Pooh Bear and go back to bed.

Today is NOT a revision day…

I shall sum up what today is using my favourite method of expressing my emotions online. Warning, gif overload ahead.

Yeah. So that’s me at the moment. Don’t ask.