Greetings from camp!

Greetings! I write to you now from my little tent, perched on the shore of Lake Baty, in the wilderness of NaNoLand, where I am currently residing at Camp NaNoWriMo. It’s my first time at camp, but I’m having a great time – even if it’s taking a while to get used to it! It’s going to be a busy month – I have some uni work to do too – but I’m hoping that the relaxing surroundings of camp will help me get this novel finished. 50,000 words is my target – the novel is going to be longer than that, but if I can get 50k, I’m well on the way! (Rhyming too – impressive, eh?).

So, this is just a brief postcard to say I’m currently at Camp, and updates will be sporadic but mainly writing-focused, whilst I scribble away furiously at this novel!

Wish you were all here – maybe you should join me?

I speak to you today…

… not as a blogger. Not as a friend. But as a publicist. 

Friends. Blog readers. Commenters. Lend me your eyes (and your trust in Twitter recommendations).

If you have any taste at all, follow @CMaine_Official on twitter. It is the Twitter page of Christopher Maine, the writer whose fanclub I am self-elected president, and it’s only just started but follow him – it contains probably the most creative countdown (for something incredibly exciting!) I’ve seen, and don’t forget – you can read and follow his blog at , and you can buy his first novel “Dragon Flight: Renegade” at .

Just your friendly neighbourhood self-titled publicist! ;)

So, congratulations to Christopher Maine who, I am told, sold his 20th book yesterday! He’s very happy, having sold 20 in just under three weeks. I’d like to take the chance, as well as announcing it, to remind you of the link where you, if you have a Kindle or any device (Smartphone, ipad, laptop, computer etc) where you can download the Kindle Reading App for free, can buy the book!

If you can’t buy it, it’d be great if you could reblog it, or post it on any other social networking sites you’re on – blogster, facebook, twitter, etc – so that it will reach as wide an audience as possible!

Thank you!


I have finally finished my revised personal statement! Huzzah, fanfares, etc etc etc. I hope it’ll be alright – Friday’s going to be pretty nerve-wracking when I apply through UCAS Extra, but hopefully it’ll be worth it!

Just a short update to say wish me luck!

I don’t want to jinx it, but…

…. I might just be making plans that I actually feel quite confident about!

Well, I say confident – I don’t want to build myself up, only to be let down horribly when they don’t work out, BUT I’m a step closer and I’m actually making plans. The midwifery is going on hold until I feel better and I feel more confident about being able to deal with the long hours and everything. I know I want to be a midwife, but that might be on hold now until I’m older and maybe have more life experience.

So for now, I’m looking at my other interests – creative writing and journalism. I’ve made a list of the universities I’d consider going to, which offer the courses I want to do – either English and Creative Writing, just Creative Writing or Journalism. I think e=the opportunities after that sort of course are as good as they are for most jobs at the moment – not amazing – but I think if I do a degree I’ll enjoy, I’ll worry about jobs in three years time.

Next job – to look at accommodation and stuffs, and then after that, to hope that they have vacancies in Extra/Clearing!