All Change!

So, with the arrival of my new friend (her name is Lucy The Slut and she is beautiful), I will hopefully be updating my blog more frequently because I won’t have to wait for the family computer to be available! It also means I should be able to get some more writing done, I’m finally starting to see some real improvement in how I feel – I spent today with a group of knights in Harlech castle (I’m not hallucinating from the codeine, it actually happened!) and it was great, if very cold and windy!

It’s been a few days since I blogged (in fact, I haven’t blogged since my epic rant about not being allowed to have an opinion these days), but that’s really because…well, not an awful lot has happened. I moved a few things around in my bedroom and tidied up a bit, but I didn’t think that was really worthy of a whole blog post. Maybe one day, but I don’t think the world is ready for that just yet. I haven’t really done anything of note… playing Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 and going to the doctors has taken up the bulk of my time since the 1st.

Still, got some good times to come – going to spend Monday with my boyfriend, seeing as it’s a bank holiday and I don’t have college and he doesn’t have work, so that’ll be nice. Might be going to see preparations for planes during the Jubilee and the Olympics but I’m not sure when it is, but I’m looking forwards to it (even though I’m from a Navy family, I can’t deny there’s something beautiful about planes). Hopefully being stewards for the Hope House pyjama walk next week, and then getting on with some training for our sponsored walk in June (you can sponsor us here ). We’re going on holiday for my 18th birthday in July, and I absolutely can’t wait! And it’s nearly exam time, which isn’t such a great thing on the surface… but it means the end of college and the start of summer (and, hopefully, starting university!) is drawing ever closer!

Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend, however you spend it 🙂

Maddy x