The last stretch!

So, in the midst of all this exciting stuff happening – being an adult, going to parties (rarely) and university – I had almost forgotten that I’m doing a half marathon soon. October 21st seemed like ages and ages and ages away until last Sunday, when I saw a little post come up on my Facebook news feed. “Two weeks until the Great Birmingham Run!”.

Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction. People are starting to receive their race packs and numbers (I’m assuming mine’s arrived but is at home, so I’ll need it picked up and brought to me seeing as I’m not home until after the race!) and it’s all feeling a little too real right now. In 11 days, I’ll be attempting to run (although it’ll probably be more like walking, and then shuffling, and then crawling, and then wriggling) 13.1 miles (I don’t like the “.1” bit – I want to see “13 miles” and be finished, not have that extra little .1 of a mile to go!).

At least I won’t be on my own – there’ll be 18,000 other people doing exactly the same thing, although I’m fairly sure the majority will be able to run – or at least walk – all the way, and won’t have to resort to wriggling. People keep saying on the Facebook page, “aiming for sub-2!” and things like that, and I’m thinking “Hey, that’s feasible”, and then I realize they’re talking hours, not days. They’re aiming to run 13.1 miles in under two hours. I’m aiming to… complete 13.1 miles before they take down the banners and pack up and go home – that’ll be an achievement for me as far as I’m concerned.

Of course, my time and performance in the run isn’t the important thing – it’s the fact that I’m raising money for a charity very close to my heart, and we’ve done so much better than I thought we would. At the start, we aimed to raise £150 as a team – doesn’t sound like a huge amount, but when you’re from a village like mine where, in general, people don’t want to give a penny unless it’ll directly benefit them, it is a massive target. Thanks to the generosity of so many wonderful people – many of whom are not from the area, as predicted, but there were a few lovely people from my area and village who have donated and sponsored us, and I am so grateful for that – we’ve managed to smash our target, raising just shy of £400 between us.

Now is the last push – please, please sponsor us – Birmingham Children’s Hospital is such a fantastic charity and so deserving of your donations; they’re currently trying to raise £4m to build a new Children’s Cancer Centre, and every penny really does count. You can sponsor me at , or Daf at – or you can see how our team total is getting on at – please donate and encourage others to do so too! Thanks 🙂


I did it!

Yes, I was a big brave girl and I got my tattoo on Friday! It barely hurt, so if you’re considering getting a tattoo but you’re worried about the pain, don’t be! It’s uncomfortable, sure, but if you’ve got a good tattoo artist, they’ll know how to distract you. I was also allowed to have my Mom and sister to sit with me and make me laugh and keep me calm as I had it done. I absolutely love how it looks and so far it’s been pretty easy to take care of. In fact, I’m already planning my next one!

Fundraising is going well; this weekend I’ve managed to get over £50 in sponsors and I’m hoping for more in the coming weeks 🙂 training is going alright but I’m having a weekend off whilst I let my arm recover from being inked, tomorrow I have a blood test but after that I’m going to really immerse myself in the training and work on my distance ability. Speed doesn’t matter to me; it’s more a case of as long as I finish before they’ve all gone home, I’ll be happy!

You can  sponsor me at , or my fiance at . Please do sponsor us, BCH are trying to get a new children’s cancer unit and by donating just a few quid, you could be helping to make one of the scariest times a child can experience that little bit brighter. – information on the Children’s Cancer Centre appeal.