I did it!

Yes, I was a big brave girl and I got my tattoo on Friday! It barely hurt, so if you’re considering getting a tattoo but you’re worried about the pain, don’t be! It’s uncomfortable, sure, but if you’ve got a good tattoo artist, they’ll know how to distract you. I was also allowed to have my Mom and sister to sit with me and make me laugh and keep me calm as I had it done. I absolutely love how it looks and so far it’s been pretty easy to take care of. In fact, I’m already planning my next one!

Fundraising is going well; this weekend I’ve managed to get over £50 in sponsors and I’m hoping for more in the coming weeks 🙂 training is going alright but I’m having a weekend off whilst I let my arm recover from being inked, tomorrow I have a blood test but after that I’m going to really immerse myself in the training and work on my distance ability. Speed doesn’t matter to me; it’s more a case of as long as I finish before they’ve all gone home, I’ll be happy!

You can  sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/madison-matthews , or my fiance at http://www.justgiving.com/dafydd-williams09 . Please do sponsor us, BCH are trying to get a new children’s cancer unit and by donating just a few quid, you could be helping to make one of the scariest times a child can experience that little bit brighter.

http://www.bch.org.uk/cancer_appeal.php – information on the Children’s Cancer Centre appeal.


A most delightful week!

Today I returned from possibly the most exciting (and definitely the best!) week of my life. I went on holiday last Monday with my family and boyfriend – not too far away, just down to the south of Wales – and we had a blast! TripAdvisor is going to love me because I have so many places to review – I’ll post a link to my TripAdvisor later so that if any of you are considering a trip down to Swansea/Porthcawl/Cardiff way, you can see some of the attractions and restaurants I rate highly, as well as my review of the  park we stayed at.

Two exciting things occurred on holiday. The first is that I turned 18 on Friday, so legally I am an adult (and I returned home to find three birthday cards from the local council to prove it), although I refuse to acknowledge myself as a grown up. The second is that my boyfriend asked me to marry him, and I said yes! So, as you can imagine, it’s been a lovely and very exciting week, although I’m exhausted now and fairly glad to be home! My next two posts will be regarding my writing, which seems to be going pretty well, and the Bupa Great Birmingham Run – I’ve now set up my fundraising page and would appreciate it if you could read my story and find it in your hearts to sponsor me 🙂