It’s a miserable day.

So outside the rain is falling, the sky is murky and there’s a very miserable atmosphere. Inside, things aren’t much better. I’m feeling miserable today because I don’t feel well, I’m tired and I’m missing Daf very much. Friday feels like ages away and there’s so much to do until then that it all feels a little overwhelming. We’ve started getting information about our modules and while I’m glad there’s no exams this year, the amount of coursework and practical work makes it sound like a lot. I’m used to coursework – when you do three essay subjects for A Level, you can’t really get away from having to write loads of essays – but I feel like I’m out of practice. Also, it’s like going from GCSE to A-Level – I guess you’re writing at a whole new level now, needing to use a more complicated vocabulary, etc. This time it’s even more complicated – we have to do “Harvard referencing”, whatever that is (I know what referencing is, but not sure what’s special about the Harvard variety), so at the moment it’s all a bit overwhelming and I’m just hoping I can cope.

Had some information about the Great Birmingham Run on the 21st October; found out that the day after I have lectures from 11am-5pm, which could be interesting when all I’m sure I’ll want to do is have a foot massage and then curl up in bed and sleep for a week. I’m still feeling fairly confident that I can do it. Without having a car handy, I’ve had to walk absolutely everywhere – the only place I’ve gone by bus has been home, which is two hours away by bus so I think you can forgive me for not walking that. I’ve also been going swimming once a week, which seems to be improving my stamina and helping me tone up a bit.

So, it’s still quite a busy time for me. I finished “Where She Went” and I will review it soon, but it might have to wait until the weekend.


I actually wrote some more on Chapter Ten last night! It’s been a few days since I’ve written ANYTHING that wasn’t homework (psychology essays will be the death of me, I’m sure of it!). It’s flowing quite well again and I’m hoping that will continue. I rather like Chapter Ten. I delve a teensy bit further into the backstory of one of the side characters who does play a rather important part in the book overall, and I’ve already introduced another interesting character in the chapter, who didn’t even exist until halfway through writing his name! He’s a bad guy who doesn’t want to be a bad guy any more, and may end up becoming something of a close friend/potential love interest for this side character.

So, all in all, yesterday was a progressive day on the writing front. It was quite a productive day overall, to be fair – got quite a lot done in Drama class, and then script reading last night was fun – we started on a script I really really like! Going to be really busy the next couple of weeks though – this week is alright, but next week, I have a radio interview on the 7th, exam results on the 8th and going to see Avenue Q with my mum on the 9th (Can’t wait!!!), then that weekend it’s youth theatre and singing auditions for a musical (not sure if I’m going to go for the singing parts to be honest), and the week after it’s acting auditions which I would like to go for. Whether I’ll get a part is another matter entirely, but fingers crossed!

And then that should take me nicely up to the last couple of weeks before Easter. And hopefully hearing back from the university soon – I’m terrible at waiting!