Why do exams even exist?

Beware me today, for I am full of teenage angst (which really isn’t as fun as Wizard angst, props if you get the reference). Revision is slowly divorcing my soul from my body and I am trying to keep thinking about that wonderful moment a week tomorrow when my exams will be over… and then I will have the wait for results.

Today is NOT a revision day…

I shall sum up what today is using my favourite method of expressing my emotions online. Warning, gif overload ahead.

Yeah. So that’s me at the moment. Don’t ask.

Pwdu Monster…

For those of you who don’t speak Welsh, a “pwdu” is to sulk, and apparently, my pwdus are rather frequent and quite funny from the way people seem to laugh when I’m sulking. Today, I would say I am in a pwdu of epic proportions, and I have no idea why. Well, I do sort of know why – I’m struggling without co-codamol, I’m on ibuprofen but it doesn’t quite have the same effect as the co-codamol did, so the withdrawal effects are taking their toll on me.

I’m snappy and miserable, there’s nothing I want to do and even my boyfriend seems worried I’m fed up with him. I’m supposed to be helping my brother with his revision because it’s in Welsh and our parents don’t understand it but the mood I’m in, if he got a question wrong he’d probably find the textbook being launched at his head. I’m tired but I don’t want to sleep and I need to drink more but I can’t, I don’t even want to eat (which is unusual for me), and I just want to throw things at the walls. My laptop is safe because I will never throw Lucy at anything, I love it too much, but my phone is fair game which is why it’s safely hidden away and I’m refusing to let myself get it because I’d be lost without it if I did break it.

So, there’s not going to be any fiction writing done today, I think that’s pretty certain. I’m struggling just to write this blog because my words aren’t coming out right and I know how I want them to sound but they don’t sound like that when I write them down. If something really annoys me today, expect a very angry and incoherent post from me, but otherwise, I’m not sure how much writing I’ll actually get up to today, because I can’t see this pwdu fading any time soon….