Semester One

So, last night was the final show of Blood Brothers, which marked the end of my first semester at university. I’m not sure quite what I expected my first semester to be like, but all I know is that it’s gone by too quickly, and I’ve really enjoyed it. At times it’s been tough – the work isn’t easy, but it isn’t ridiculously hard yet – but I’ve had a great time, made amazing friends, got some fantastic memories and I’m starting to get a clearer idea of what I want to do with my life!

So, what does next semester bring? A new timetable, new classes – including Movement Studies (eek!) and my elective, Radio Production (yay!) – and hopefully new exciting adventures too! First of all, though, I want to enjoy a peaceful and relaxing Christmas (if you know my family, you’ll know that the chances of that are slim!), and get a finished draft of Book One that I can edit and polish and make into something vaguely publishable by June. 

It’s been a crazy year, but I’ll leave the full musings on how I feel about my first full year of blogging until closer to New Year’s Eve – I don’t know if we’ll all survive December 21st yet! (for the record, I am joking – I don’t believe anything untoward will happen that day). Now then, I’d better get packing!