English Today.

So, it’s my English exam today – the last exam I have; after this I am freeeeeee until September (but I can’t wait until September so that’s fine!). You’d imagine, what with me being a blogger, that an English exam would be fine for me. Hey, I write all the time, what’s the worst an English exam can do?

You’d probably be right if it wasn’t an English Literature exam. *cue horror music*. The language part of the course was the coursework, which apparently I did quite well in (hoping that means I got an A which will pull up the undoubtedly abysmal grade I shall get in this exam), the exam is the analysis of a literary text we’ve been studying for the past year (ours is Wuthering Heights, yay… not), comparing it to other texts we’ve read independently (so far I’ve got Twilight, The Mabinogion and The Hunger Games… great!), and then a comparison of three unseen texts.
I am not confident at all. I suppose the only good thing is that I’m going in with no expectations whatsoever (or maybe I do have expectations, they’re just really really low) so if the paper doesn’t look like it’s written in a foreign language, I’ll be happy! 😉