Exciting Stuff

I’ve just booked my next tattoo – my first literary one! As you guys know I’m a rather fanatical fan of Christopher Maine’s “Tales From The Terra Firma Fleet” series, and I’m proud to say that I’ll be the first person to get a Tales From The Terra Firma Fleet tattoo. It’s a different studio to last time so I’m a tad nervous, but more excited than anything! I can’t wait!  

I did it!

Yes, I was a big brave girl and I got my tattoo on Friday! It barely hurt, so if you’re considering getting a tattoo but you’re worried about the pain, don’t be! It’s uncomfortable, sure, but if you’ve got a good tattoo artist, they’ll know how to distract you. I was also allowed to have my Mom and sister to sit with me and make me laugh and keep me calm as I had it done. I absolutely love how it looks and so far it’s been pretty easy to take care of. In fact, I’m already planning my next one!

Fundraising is going well; this weekend I’ve managed to get over £50 in sponsors and I’m hoping for more in the coming weeks 🙂 training is going alright but I’m having a weekend off whilst I let my arm recover from being inked, tomorrow I have a blood test but after that I’m going to really immerse myself in the training and work on my distance ability. Speed doesn’t matter to me; it’s more a case of as long as I finish before they’ve all gone home, I’ll be happy!

You can  sponsor me at http://www.justgiving.com/madison-matthews , or my fiance at http://www.justgiving.com/dafydd-williams09 . Please do sponsor us, BCH are trying to get a new children’s cancer unit and by donating just a few quid, you could be helping to make one of the scariest times a child can experience that little bit brighter.

http://www.bch.org.uk/cancer_appeal.php – information on the Children’s Cancer Centre appeal.