My Lucky Phone!

For all of my complaints about it – mainly the fact that sometimes it gets bored of working and decides to die on me randomly, just because it can – my phone is a tough little bugger. If there’s one thing that can definitely be said about Nokias – even newer models, like my Lumia 800 with the fancy touchscreen and all the bits and bobs – it’s that they’re very resilient. 

Here’s a story that illustrates that. Yesterday I was walking back from a lecture with my friends, and I was walking along the grass to avoid slipping on the ice (tends to be a habit of mine, so I thought I’ll stick to the snow and be safe). So I’m walking along when I realise that I’m up a slope and I can only either try to get down the slope, or turn back and walk around. Being lazy – and watching my friend get down the slope without too many issues – I decide to do the same. Except I don’t quite make it; I slip and fall down the slope, ending up freezing cold, covered in snow and leaving quite an amusing dent in the snow where my arms were flailing. 


(This was the third time I walked past it, I’m fairly sure it’ll still be there today!). The snow is ankle deep, just to give you some idea of what it’s been like here. 


That’s my welly-clad feet, up to my ankles in the snow. 

So anyway, I get back to my flat, make some lunch and realize I don’t know where my phone is. Cue panic mode; I’m turning my bedroom upside down in an attempt to find it, checking every pocket – even of coats I haven’t worn for ages – and even looking in the fridge. My flatmate tried phoning it several times but to no avail, and I was starting to wonder where on Earth it could have been. I figured maybe I’d left it in the classroom, and – having another lecture in fifteen minutes – decided to go and check. So me and a friend are walking along to this lecture, and I’m telling her about my lost phone, and we pass my dent in the snow – and sitting there, in the middle of this snow, where it had been for about half an hour, was my beautiful little phone, looking so pretty in its red GameBoy case. It had fallen out of my pocket when I fell, and none of us noticed! 

First thoughts were that I was amazed it was still there – not that I was expecting it to have been nicked, but if I saw a phone in the snow, I’d probably pick it up, try and frape the person if they’ve left their Facebook logged in, and then take it somewhere to turn it in. My second thought was “Oh my god, my phone has been in the snow for half an hour, it’s going to be dead”. I picked it up, wiped off the screen and pressed the button, and bless its little electronic heart, it powered up with no problems. It was freezing cold, but it’s all warmed up now, and doesn’t seem to be any worse off for its ordeal. I suppose that’s the benefit of it being in a sealed unit; there’s no holes for the water to have seeped into and caused any major damage. 

So the snow has been my enemy this week, leaving me with a freezing cold body, a wet back and arse and a phone that’s lucky to be alive. However, it’s also left me with some good memories, so to round off this snowy blog post, enjoy some pictures of the snowman we built on Saturday night, (Who was later stolen, but that’s irrelevant), and the snowy scenes that greeted me on my walk to lectures. 




You can expect a new review in a few days of the Nokia Lumia 800, I got it yesterday and I love it! At the moment I’m experimenting with the WordPress app on it, so feel free to ignore this post!