It’s all coming back to me now!

… my life, that is. Finally, my last written assignment for university this year is completed (but not yet submitted), and my final performance is a week today. Then it’s a case of sticking around for an open day a week on Saturday, going to see Hairspray in the evening (yay!) and then home for the summer!

Am I excited…. yes and no. I can’t wait to be home, because there’s so much exciting stuff going to happen, but I’ll miss my friends. I’ll miss having my own space, but I won’t miss having to kill my own spiders (found the first one of the year yesterday, a giant one that made me cry until I threw a box of washing powder at it, and I’m still not sure it’s dead). I’ll miss my course, but I won’t miss being weighed down with the work of it all.

Has university changed me? Definitely. For the better? I certainly think and hope so. More on that in a later post, though.

As for what this means for me, it means I can focus on getting better – and maybe getting a scan organised, if the doctors ever get around to it, so someone can actually stop me from being in so much pain. It also means I can do more writing – both fiction and my new venture, a comedy singer/sort-of-songwriter thing that I tried out at a comedy night. It went well, which has spurred me on to write more – videos to follow. It means I can relax and spend more time with Daf, my family and my friends, and I think that’s what I’m looking forwards to most of all ๐Ÿ™‚

3 thoughts on “It’s all coming back to me now!

  1. I got to take on a couple mega-spiders and what my sister advertised as a wasp, yesterday. (Still not sure whether it was an actual wasp or not, but it’s the heart-pounding fear that counts.) I’m happy to say it was a 3-0 victory for the humans. Just playing my small part in making your world a better place.
    Enjoy your summer! May it be filled with writing galore!

    • I’m still refusing to go anywhere near where the spider was, I’m scared it’s a zombie or something! As for wasps… I can’t even be in the same garden as one, so you’re definitely braver than me!
      Thanks! Yours too ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Zombie spiders??? Okay, nope, I could not handle that. I don’t really do stinging things either, but it was my poor little sister’s bedroom and our dad was already asleep, so somebody had to be the hero. (Um, knight in shining armor? You missed your cue!)

What do YOU think?