Assessments, assessments everywhere…

… and not a spare second for me.

Unfortunately, it’s true. I’ve cut down my NaNo goal and I’m not even sure I can reach that, because assessments have taken over my life. If I’m not rehearsing for a practical assessment, I’m learning lines for something else, or writing an essay, or writing material for the radio show, or doing something or other that takes up a hell of a lot of time and leaves me with none for myself. I don’t resent it or regret it – I love my course and I’m determined to pass – but I’m looking forward to the end of May, when it’s all over and then I’ve got the summer and then second year! Uni’s going so quick, it feels like a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it kind of thing! 😦

It’s half past one in the morning, and no, I’m not staying up so that I can get some writing done – I’m up because I can’t sleep, just like I haven’t been able to sleep properly for the last few days. I’m only getting four hours sleep at a time because I’m up the next morning at eight or earlier each time, and it’s driving me crazy! I’m exhausted all the time anyway so this doesn’t help!

Still, I’ve started a not-so-new-but-still-newer-than-others project. It’s been in the pipeline for a while, but I was inspired by a song I heard and everything about it changed. It’s now from a different perspective, and in the FIRST PERSON (cue: “ooooooh”). I never write Terra Firma Fleet stuff in the first person, because Christopher Maine does it all third person, but I couldn’t resist. It’s also from a guy’s perspective, rather than the usual character.

Now, with regards to this character, some might think she has too much happen to her in her life. She’s constantly in one scrape or another, and at times it might seem gratuitous – like I just want bad stuff to happen to her. There’s method to my madness, I assure you. The thing is, in Terra Firma Fleet, she seems like such a kick-ass character – what I’ve read of her, anyway. She is cool, calm and collected and knows exactly what to do – and that isn’t just a skill you’re born with unless you’re really lucky (and a little tip – don’t call her lucky, ever!).

She’s seen a lot, and she’s been through a lot. She’s gotten hurt, physically and emotionally, and it’s quite a contrast to the idyllic childhood she had, but it’s supposed to be that way, because something’s got to prepare her for the storm coming ahead, and when you look at it in that context, it all seems a lot more proportional.

Just something I wanted to get off my chest.

What do YOU think?