Greetings from camp!

Greetings! I write to you now from my little tent, perched on the shore of Lake Baty, in the wilderness of NaNoLand, where I am currently residing at Camp NaNoWriMo. It’s my first time at camp, but I’m having a great time – even if it’s taking a while to get used to it! It’s going to be a busy month – I have some uni work to do too – but I’m hoping that the relaxing surroundings of camp will help me get this novel finished. 50,000 words is my target – the novel is going to be longer than that, but if I can get 50k, I’m well on the way! (Rhyming too – impressive, eh?).

So, this is just a brief postcard to say I’m currently at Camp, and updates will be sporadic but mainly writing-focused, whilst I scribble away furiously at this novel!

Wish you were all here – maybe you should join me?

What do YOU think?