I’m Terrible With Dates (or, “Oh sh*t when did that happen?”)

At the start of January, I noticed that I started blogging in January 2012. To be precise, on January 24th 2012. I, understandably, got excited about this and started planning all sorts – a little soiree for all my followers, giving away £1million as a token of my gratitude, closing down the blog and setting up a llama farm (on a side note, there is a llama farm literally 5 minutes away from my fiance’s house, how cool is that?)… well, maybe not that extreme, but I was going to at least post about it. 

January 24th has been and gone, and I forgot all about it. I’m actually slightly disappointed – I honestly thought I’d remember. It’s a fairly big occasion for me, especially seeing as right at the start of my blog I spoke about how all my blogs have failed after a couple of weeks and I’m terrible at keeping them updated – I don’t think I’ve done too badly on this one, and I would quite liked to have done a post commemorating that momentous occasion. 

Now, I wish I could excuse myself somehow – I wish I could say I was busy that day, completely buried in uni work, out all day at lectures – but I can’t. I had a day off on the 24th. I HAD A DAY OFF! There was absolutely no reason why I couldn’t have updated my blog, just to mention the fact that I’d been going for a year – other than the fact that I completely forgot. It wasn’t like I even forgot I had a blog, because I posted on the 22nd and on the 25th! 

If I was to sum up this post in three words, it would read as thus; I’m an idiot. 

‘Nuff said, really. Happy belated blog-aversary to me!

What do YOU think?