NaNoveling Update – End of Week 1!

So Week 1 of NaNoWriMo draws to a close, and I am halfway to 50k. It’d be really great if I can maintain this pace and get 100k in a month; I can’t remember how much I managed last year but I think it was closing in on 75k, to go even better this year would be great!

So I’ve basically mapped out and written all the important plot points (well, nearly all of them) – now it’s a case of bringing them all together. My “novel” is actually three sections or books, so I’ve got plenty to write about, I can’t see myself running out of steam. I’m really pleased with how well-developed the characters are, especially the main one, and I know that when I re-read some of the Terra Firma Fleet books (available now on Amazon Kindle), the particular character from those stories whose origin I’m writing will have a lot more depth behind her. It’s a really interesting character exercize!

Another character thing I’ve done is the accent tag challenge, for three of the main characters. The way it is, you’ve got Amber, who is almost a “valley girl” type character – blonde, beautiful but sometimes a little bit ditzy, and she’s got quite a generic, feminine American accent, because of the colony station she’s from. Then you have Caydan, who is well-educated and well-brought up, and he’s very much your typical Received-Pronounciation young man, because his home on Tempora Prime is in a very affluent area. Then we have the main character, Madalyn, who you may recall from “Dragon Flight: Wrath”, if you’ve read it (and if you haven’t, READ IT!). She’s a New Manhattan girl, a young mechanic with something of a slightly-diluted New York accent – no real defined borough but at a push I’d say it’s between Manhattan and very, very diluted Queens or Staten Island, from what I’ve heard and attempted of it (my attempt really isn’t anything impressive!). So I did the accent tag challenge for all of them, and it’s made writing their dialogue a lot easier!

In other news, I performed my monologue in class in front of an agent today, which was amazing! We also had a great workshop on facilitation, which is what I really would like to do in the future, so hopefully I’ll be able to do some volunteering work experience with them later on in my time here! Oh, and looks like I passed my room inspection. All in all, a very good day! 🙂

What do YOU think?