At the moment, much of Britain is having a heatwave – well, what Britons would describe as a heatwave, whereas many other countries would see it as a chilly day. To be fair, it has been lovely and warm, I’ve been out in my training vest and shorts, getting some walking and jogging done ready for the half marathon in October (www.justgiving.com/madison-matthews), we’ve been out in the garden today and I’d imagine the beach has been packed. I didn’t dare venture down; the sight of tourist flesh overhanging too-tight budgie smugglers is vomit-inducing at the best of times, and I knew that the beach would be full of it today. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be going for another beach jog with my fiance (www.justgiving.com/dafydd-williams09), I’m really desperate to get this training going well because it’s a big thing now – information on the run and our fundraising is in the local newspaper, so people know about it and I have no excuse not to train! Fundraising is going well but we’re still shy of our target, so if anyone can donate, please do!

On another, slightly-related note to the fundraising, I’ve finally decided on my tattoo. It’s the logo of Birmingham Children’s Hospital. I know where I want it done (as in, on my body), just got to decide what shop to get it done at! I’m thinking probably a local one because I don’t fancy a long car ride back from the nearest city, seeing as the area I’m getting done is where the seatbelt strap goes in a car!

I haven’t gotten much writing done because it’s been so lovely outside, but I’m going to try and get a bit more done over the next few days. I don’t want to lose interest in this new project – ideally I’d love to get back to the old one and do some work on that, but I’m not sure if that’s going to happen. I’m considering starting over with this current one – the same basic plot, same characters, but a different format and just doing things a little bit differently. Stay tuned for more updates!

Also, you can buy Christopher Maine’s two books, Dragon Flight Renegade and Dragon Flight Wrath at amazon now, just search for the book titles and you’ll find them! You can also follow his blog at www.christophermaine.wordpress.com .

What do YOU think?