And Another Thing…

No, I’m not referring to the book in the Hitchiker’s Guide series – I’m talking about a fellow author who, if you’ve been following my blog for a while, you might know a thing or two about. I consider myself his biggest fan and unofficial president of his unofficial fan club, which is why he has his own page on this blog if you look at the menu across the top. His name is Christopher Maine, and he’s recently published his first novel in a series of ten, “Dragon Flight: Renegade” for Amazon Kindle. It’s a fantastic book and, if you haven’t already, I recommend you read it – and last night he hit his first quarter century, 25 books sold! So I’m very proud of him today 🙂

Putting on my shameless self-designated publicist hat on again, you can buy his book at and you can follow his writing blog, in which he (unlike me) doesn’t blather on about his personal life and instead focuses on his writing, challenges he encounters and the way he overcomes them. He also does something very interesting on there, he writes character biographies and posts them up, to give the readers some insight into the characters of the story without spoiling it for potential readers.

I think he’s going to be a big name in science fiction novels in the future so check him out and read his book! You can follow his blog here –

What do YOU think?