Well, I kept my word…

I said I wouldn’t start on Book Three straight away, and that I’d give it a minimum of the Easter holidays until I started. At the time, I never thought I’d stick to it – I was fairly sure I’d have given into temptation and started. I may have used slightly unorthodox (and out of my control) means, but I haven’t started writing the third book, and it might still be a while before I get around to writing it!

I’d pictured having a peaceful Easter holidays, going for walks, maybe going a couple of places, doing a fair bit of revision for my A Levels. That all went to pot when I managed to wind up ill – and since then, most of the time I’ve been so dosed up on co-codamol that I’ve been either asleep, going crazy or falling downstairs (that happened on Wednesday, and it bloody hurt – managed to fall onto my kidneys because I’m an absolute frickin’ genius!), so revision has gone out of the window. I suppose a lot of it has been peaceful – apart from the hospital, and the castle on Saturday and Sunday when I watched my boyfriend and his family and friends beat each other up with swords, flails and axes – but not in the way I expected it to be.

It hasn’t been all bad – I didn’t have to spend my whole Easter holidays in hospital, and I’ve got a weekend left to enjoy, and I got to spend time with the people I care about, which is always good. But my writing has seriously stalled, and I just hope that this isn’t the beginning of a massive writers’ block (it’s happened in the past, a couple of weeks off writing and I never finished that story), because I am proud of my progress so far and it would be a shame to lose it! I keep trying to write little things to keep my head going, just poems and stories, but I can’t even manage those – blog posts are the best writing I’m producing at the moment.

Oh well, onwards and upwards, time to enjoy the weekend and not think about writing fiction for a while. I suppose every writer needs a break – even if mine was forced!

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