
Christopher Maine!

His first book, “Dragon Flight: Renegade” (the first in the Tales From The Terra Firma Fleet series) will be available shortly on amazon – – and I seriously suggest that if you have a Kindle, you buy this book. His writing style is brilliant and if you like Star Wars or any other science fiction/space opera-style books, you’ll love this!

The description is as follows –

“2245: The ships of the Terra Firma Fleet patrol the vast reaches of space between the hundreds of new human colonies established across the stars. But their lives are about to be turned upside down.

A dark menace is about to strike at the heart of the Fleet, driving a blade deep into its core, sending fear and terror across the systems. The galaxy is thrown into chaos, and the crews of nine ships must face an uncertain new future, where their survival is not guaranteed.”

The book is action-packed and a thrilling read, and I recommend it to you all!

What do YOU think?