A New Feature…

Every couple of weeks or so (I’ll try and make it fortnightly, but if I’ve got things on it might be less frequent, and if something big happens in between those two weeks I’ll post about it then), I’m going to do a piece called “Moom’s Views” – Moom because it’s my nickname, and Views because I’ll take a look at something big that’s happening in the world at the moment, and give my views on it. It’ll be good writing practice for me, and perhaps it will be useful to people in some way (Don’t ask me how, really it’s just an excuse for me to have a rant about what’s happening in the news).

I’m also hoping to branch out into other areas – I’m going to start recording videos of myself singing (and possibly, if I’m confident enough, playing guitar) soon, because it’s been AGES since I last did, and possibly reviewing books/films/food. Probably food 🙂

I’m trying to keep a good variety on here – I don’t want to bore you all with my life (although technically that’s what blogs are generally used for), and there’s not much writing to report on at the minute, so if I put up some general interest pieces, some of my singing and reviews of things, it’ll keep a nice variety of what I upload. And also photographs – I hope you all liked the photographs I uploaded the other day, there will hopefully be more in the future.

Thanks for following, liking, commenting and just generally reading my blog – I hope you’re all enjoying it! Remember, you can contact me here, or via twitter – @maddyleigh94, let me know you read my blog and I’ll follow you back – or via email, maddiematthews94@aol.com .

What do YOU think?