Why My Life Is Awesome :)

These are the reasons why I love my life 🙂

– It seems that I have a pretty bright future ahead of me.
– I don’t need the reassurance of others all the time – sometimes I get insecure, but most of the time, I know if I’m doing something right.
– I don’t lie about serious matters just to get attention and sympathy.
– I know the value of friendship – it’s not something you just throw away for the sake of attention.
– I can write my own stuff – it may not be any good, BUT at least it’s original.
– I’ve got a fairly good idea of what I want to do with my life – I’ll work out the fine details later on, but for now I’ve got plans and I know how to achieve them.
– I’m not afraid to do what I enjoy for fear of what others might think of me.
– Only a few more months left at college and then I’M NEVER GOING BAAAACK 😀
AND now the more important ones.

– I have an amazing family who are always there for me, even if other people turn against me.
– I have the best boyfriend a girl could wish for.
– I’m actually, genuinely happy 🙂

What do YOU think?